We work in partnership with research institutions and subject matter experts in the field to produce and distribute research and guidance that informs the work of school system staff who are implementing sustainability.
Recently-released publications
Find all of the Center’s publications in the USGBC Resource Library.
School Health Research Library
We have curated a library of peer-reviewed scientific studies from around the world published since 2016, focusing on the school built environment and occupant health and performance. This research builds on the 2017 Schools for Health: Foundations for Student Success report released by Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health that synthesizes foundational research about school indoor environmental quality impacts on students and staff. Explore the School Health Research Library.
Partner with us
The Center for Green Schools invites collaboration with graduate students and researchers who are interested in studying the implementation and impacts of green school strategies. Additionally, the school system staff we serve are eager for model practices, and we often collaborate with practitioners to publish best practices in the form of toolkits and guidance. Contact us if you would like to contribute your time, expertise, or ideas.