School Health Research Library
We have curated a library of peer-reviewed scientific studies from around the world published since 2016, focusing on the school built environment and occupant health and performance. This research builds on the 2017 Schools for Health: Foundations for Student Success report released by Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health that synthesizes foundational research about school indoor environmental quality impacts on students and staff.
To help translate this research into action in schools, we have compiled School Health Research Highlights to help school staff and leaders access key findings and actionable strategies on priority topics.
Displaying 351 - 355 of 355 | Export entire research library
Photokeratitis Linked to Metal Halide Bulbs in Two Gymnasiums - Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2011 and 2013
Finn, Lauren E
In the first cluster reported, 242 persons developed
photokeratitis following exposure to a single compromised
metal halide bulb, and in the second, as few as 30 minutes of
exposure to a metal halide bulb with a broken outer…
Daylight and School Performance in European Schoolchildren
Baloch, R.M
A positive relationship was found between performance scores and type of window shading, latitude, percentage of window facing south, and window glazing, with the highest impact due to the window-to-floor area ratio. Data collected in the SINPHONIE…
Keywords: Illuminance, Natural light, Indoor air quality, School, Performance
Effect of Classroom Illuminance on the Development and Progression of Myopia in School Children
Suh, Young-Woo
The amount of change in spherical equivalent and AL after 6 months were not different between the two schools. Initial prevalence of myopia was high in the HD school. However, it became similar between the two schools after 6 months. The mean AL of…
Keywords: Child health, Myopia, Ocular vision, Public health
Preventing Myopia
Lagrèze, Wolf A
The risk of myopia is lowered by exposure to day-
light and increased by activities performed at short visual
distances (close-up work). A person with little exposure to
daylight has a fivefold risk of developing myopia, which…
The Holistic Impact of Classroom Spaces on Learning in Specific Subjects
Barrett, Peter
Variations in the importance of the physical design parameters are revealed for the learning of each subject.In addition to some common factors, such as lighting, a heavy salience for Individualization in relation to math becomes apparent and the…
Keywords: School design, Learning outcomes, Reading, Writing, Math, Kindergarten to fifth grade, Empirical study, Multilevel modeling